Saturday, December 31, 2005

The new year?

Same as any other day man... tsk

Kinda irritating ya know... special day, no special someone to celebrate it with...

this feeling sucks...

I've done my line animation already... basically know what to do for World Issues... ermmm... tml doing scifun and prolly a lil 3D modeling. Not even sure if Im gonna be at the state of mind to do any work...

The Whole of today was just one thing... O2JAM (its like online beatmania) Not in the mood to describe the game, just go to (yea, its free) =/

Sighh... looking at the time now... just 20mins left before 2005 is something of the past. =(

Now what?...



Friday, December 30, 2005


so much for the title of this entry... =/

Its 11:26am, I'm sitting on mah chair staring at the monitor, wondering whether i'll be able to get the subjects I want for the next semester... Im pretty bumped out cauz... i was like... 40-50mins late.. geez...

Im taking 2 3D subjects, the 3rd subject, im not sure what to take... i guess ill settle it when the time comes for add-dropping... no cdasses.

Gonna go back to sch later... to do my line animation... then after that, if got time, gotta meet my group members for World Issues discussions, hopefully... I'll manage to complete my line animations AND know what to research for our WI project (best if i've already done my research by the end of today)...

If need be... I'll have to sacrifice this day to complete this 2 tasks at hand cauz on sat... there'll be more shit to do... heh... =|

Will inform you guys later today... see if I have managed to do the above mentioned thingy...



Thursday, December 29, 2005


yea indeed... thrice in the head... my head... =.="

serioussssssssssly man... if we were using real bullets... i think my head would be pretty messed up... fubar man... fubar...

anywayyyyyyyyyy, today we got another 2hrs of gameplay... (an hr extra; coz the last time we only played like an hour and it started to rain). Amazingly, I didn't need any xtra clips... used only 2. Exhasting match... couldnt run with a rifle... just couldnt... why dun they juz give me a blardy handgun? lmao, or a sniper rifle? And ya know whats funny? i expected the arena to be a lil bigger but to my disappointment... its like... the size of a KIDS (yes... KIDS) playground... why? COZ ITS SO FREAKIN SMALL...

THE MAZE! ohhhh wooooooow... brrrrrrr~~~~ i tot it was gonna be like... standing at the edge, checking the opposite side/behind u know? sorta like... you've got the cover you need... BUT HEY! nooooooooooo it had gotta be a small maze up to... waist length. DUDE! even if u crouch, ur gonna get shot in the head man! Not cool, serioussssssssssssly not cool... (poor sam) =p'

But hey, 30bucks first time experience... its pretty cool... yea... (lotsa dots)... yea... pretty cool...

30bucks for getting shot upclose... yea... priceless... (at least i still get to keep my face intact...) =/

Oh yea, if u didnt know ermm we played at crossfire. My final verdict... "ok lah". Need bigger arena for sure... and teh rifle ah... geez, I meant i like the whole package on the rifle and all looks/weight etc etc... but... its pretty faulty. Imagine you've got an enemy on sight... you squeeze the trigger and suddenly instead of the nice, orgasmic *BANG*! u get *tsssssssssk*. You checked ur ammo and in ur head u go like "WTF!!!!!?" and clearly u are NOT outta bullets, u try a second time... *tssssssssssssssk*.

ok... gg~ *BANG* and ur dead... woohoo!~ -.-"

Next place we wanna go... TAG! But im not sure where it is... however what I've heard from Justin is that the arena is abit bigger then the one in crossfire but it is sorta open space... the current rifle I used has its effective range of 10m but the one in TAG has 50m (u can imagine the injury u'll get if u got hit upclose)

The injury u get from a "10m rifle" in 3m is a nasty wound (already bleeding but skin is more or less intact) what about the 50m one?

... I... dun wanna know... =/

The rifle at crossfire is almost exactly as the exact rifle (bottom-up type of ammo; clips) however the one in TAG is top-down... i think most of you have seen it before... dunno how to explain, but my guess is like those sterotypical paintball design where there is this container on top of the back part of the rifle...


Thanks for the game guys... its been lotsa fun XD hehehehehhehehe!~
Cant wait for TAG.... w00tzor!~

(sry for the long post lmao...)
*ps, we lost =p' haha


Monday, December 26, 2005



27th December 2005.
"where boys become men"


"woah! I'm excited!"




Sunday, December 25, 2005


Best wishes!~ =D

~May all your Dreams come true~


Saturday, December 24, 2005

Eye for a Fly?

Hewwo pple... few days ago, I've found out about this sw33t game. Well, first of all, its free... (think about GunBound's payment system). The game is like Preston Tale/ Rose Online... but free (yes... forever free...). Those interested plz do inform me if ya wanna play... do note that I will only play it when Im either free or bored but yea.. its free, so.. I can play anytime I want and rise through the levels as slow as I want to... muahahahaha! -.-"

The game is called FlyFF (Fly For Fun). Apparently the monsters in the game are seperated into different catagories. Land, Air. And 5 elements; Fire, water, electric and etc etc (dun really care). The cool part about this game is that you are able to fly around and yes, U can only attack airborne monsters when ur flying.

A few cons about this game tho.

1) Its kinda lag.
2) Lotsa pple playing so its difficult to log in (only 3 servers; however u can switch servers without worrying of changing characters).
3) Its a level based game so expect lots of mindless hacking and slashing.

Its not bad for a ffa (free for all) game so yea, why dun ya pop in? =p

The url:

Ok, other from the game, I didnt have time to upgrade the blog yet... (i guess you can tell why...) been practising AA (America's Army) as well as brushing up my drawing skills + other stuff. Few more days till I can see my mom again... <3
adding to that, Im really gonna get broke soon... doh! "Trying" to save up for the paintball game... really excited about it, lol... really hope it's gonna be worth every penny. If not, really gonna be damn emo...

Lemme see, wat else... err... I guess thats all imma let u guys know... catch ya later... Xp


Tuesday, December 20, 2005


Sighh, I woke up today... missing my mom.

She had gone for a mission trip to India yesterday with a small group of about 6-7 (maybe more) Christians from the same church as her. Part of me wished that she'd never leave Singapore and just stay home. However another part of me know that this is what my mom would do and it wouldn't be good to stop her from doing so.

Kissed my mom that day and dared not looked back because I didn't want to cry infront of her when she is leaving for India.

Now I'm writing this after preparing/cleaning up for breakfast. Couldn't get the coffee right... it either too diluted or too concentrated. My mom gets it right all the time... I guess I really took her for granted. My mom will be back next tuesday. I can't wait to see her face again. lol. This is funny, I dont usually express my love with words... I guess this makes me a better man.

... see you next tuesday mom... ^^~ Love you...


*ps. Sorry guys, left school yesterday without informing you guys clearly. Forgive me. Oh, XJ... thks for replacing me... appreciate it. ^^~

|Part 2|--- 9:33pm

lol, went to the interchange today and got myself a cup of Blue Coral bubble tea for a dollar. I gave like 8 5cent coins to the auntie... and she and her friend emo me sia... lol. I apologised and hastily left that aweful situation behind me. lmao, damn paiseh.

My bro went back to CS/NS (CS, u all know... NS = Natural Selection; another half-life mod). And as for me, Ghost Recon =x Quake 4 was awesome! Wanna 'try' and finish G.R cauz after that game... I really gtg start on Resident Evil 4 lol. DO NOTE that Im not gonna play everyday so plz dun stereotype me... I too have a life to live ya know? X(

Anywayyyyy... ermm... just wanna tell you that I'm gonna "try" and improve on the aesthetics of this g**-forsaken blog. Yea, like I've said on the previous posts that Im gonna do my best to revive this blog/shit up... =x

Ermm, thk you for ur support? And please be patient with me... I'm still a n00b blogger. I'm trying... I'm trying... yea yea...


Sunday, December 04, 2005


lol... don't ask me why. I just felt like it... =p

I just remembered something...
Look at the header. "The Dream Will Never Die". It's time to get back to my roots...
Hope to be able to share my adventures with you all be it IRL or in-game.
I'm pretty excited myself, gonna "try" to post everyday but plz don't expect too much on this simple, humble blog of mine... =p

And yea... I'f ya think my blog needs a LOT of work (in terms of looks) plz do advice me on what ta do... (I'm still a noob blogger). =/
