Tuesday, December 20, 2005


Sighh, I woke up today... missing my mom.

She had gone for a mission trip to India yesterday with a small group of about 6-7 (maybe more) Christians from the same church as her. Part of me wished that she'd never leave Singapore and just stay home. However another part of me know that this is what my mom would do and it wouldn't be good to stop her from doing so.

Kissed my mom that day and dared not looked back because I didn't want to cry infront of her when she is leaving for India.

Now I'm writing this after preparing/cleaning up for breakfast. Couldn't get the coffee right... it either too diluted or too concentrated. My mom gets it right all the time... I guess I really took her for granted. My mom will be back next tuesday. I can't wait to see her face again. lol. This is funny, I dont usually express my love with words... I guess this makes me a better man.

... see you next tuesday mom... ^^~ Love you...


*ps. Sorry guys, left school yesterday without informing you guys clearly. Forgive me. Oh, XJ... thks for replacing me... appreciate it. ^^~

|Part 2|--- 9:33pm

lol, went to the interchange today and got myself a cup of Blue Coral bubble tea for a dollar. I gave like 8 5cent coins to the auntie... and she and her friend emo me sia... lol. I apologised and hastily left that aweful situation behind me. lmao, damn paiseh.

My bro went back to CS/NS (CS, u all know... NS = Natural Selection; another half-life mod). And as for me, Ghost Recon =x Quake 4 was awesome! Wanna 'try' and finish G.R cauz after that game... I really gtg start on Resident Evil 4 lol. DO NOTE that Im not gonna play everyday so plz dun stereotype me... I too have a life to live ya know? X(

Anywayyyyy... ermm... just wanna tell you that I'm gonna "try" and improve on the aesthetics of this g**-forsaken blog. Yea, like I've said on the previous posts that Im gonna do my best to revive this blog/shit up... =x

Ermm, thk you for ur support? And please be patient with me... I'm still a n00b blogger. I'm trying... I'm trying... yea yea...



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