Monday, May 29, 2006

SCO hates me ='(

Guess what? When the server finally got up, I could only... get in the game for only 2mins? and then... theres this error... some... Winsock problem.

Tried fixing it by following some proven guidelines in the SCO forum but didnt work... so now Im kinda screwed without a mmo to play... zzz. At least I still have Warrock! kikikikiki!~ XD

From what I saw and experience in SCO, its pretty neat for a free game lol... damn the error! I hope they fix it soon... and yea... todays the last day of my enjoyment... tues go back sch... -_-" and while you guys back at TP are hard at work... I on the other hand am rotting. Yes... tho i feel ive become quite a pro in-game... but still, i feel kinda retarded... =/ well, IRL of course...

NOW WHAT!? zzz~
sco... save me from this boredom... preeeeeeease!!! X(
I need my daily dosage of game!
And I forgot ytd was my birthday... LMAO! well at least I got 100bucks XD
Furthermore... Im now a young "MAN". WOOHOO!!! and ns is creeping closely... -_-

p.s - If you were to read this whole post fast enough... strangely, it sounds like I damn kp... lol freaky! =/ Imagine if i were to come right to ur face and "speechspam" you with what is written here in just 2 mins?... rofl~

Sch sch sch... sco sco sco... sighhhh~

"The World's balance. You gain some, you lose some",

Saturday, May 27, 2006

SCO extended

Guess what? Yep... still not up. Bah... Tonight I'll be staying up late again... hopefully my persistent would pay off... damn the game is driving me nuts...

Anyway... I cant wait to take off and start hunting (of course to get my lvl up) then hunt for opposing forces... [A.N.I vs B.C.U] hohoho! Gonna chiong ths game till my block opens... 3D char *chokes* starting this coming tues *chokes*, I hope I dun flunk... kikikikikiki!~ XD

So yea, currently waiting till 3am as usual, and eagerly waiting for new news. This time, my max tolerance would be set at 0400hrs, anything more then that, GL! GN! Scully sleep then open haha... -.- better not! ffs... I WANNA BE THE FIRST YA HEAR ME!!!

Just in case if anyone of you are interested and have no idea wtf im talking abt.. do visit fer more details... =p

And to those who would like to join? I'll be at the first server "Joymus" and the faction Im pledging my loyalty to would be A.N.I

Currently my bro and 2 of our friends are in... and our classes are all different (thk gdness).

Listed are the types of gears featured in SCO. The concept is pretty much SG (shattered galaxy) AA for example (air-air) are, yes.. they fly, most of the time... and they work best against anything that flies. As for AG (air-ground), they work best against anything that's on the ground (in this case, the A-gear).

I-Gear / AA - air to air
B-Gear / AB - air to ground
M-Gear / support gear (a cleric/buffer if you will...)
A-Gear / GA = ground to air

Yes the game is free... no limitations unlike SG (shattered galaxy).

HAVE YET to test the game myself so dont bitch at me for introducing the game to you ffs... -_-" However... Ive got high expectations for this game... but I hope this long wait wont be wasted X'(

anyway most of those I know are bz so... I dun think it even matters lol! im like the only one slacking... however the next block... its gonna be a lil reversed XD WOOHOO! the world's so... fair? roflmao!~


I'm so high...

Friday, May 26, 2006


The day has finally come for SCO to come on live.. and Ive waited and waited... then suddenly.. its way past 3am on a Fri and the server still aint up yet... 15th May, 26th May... and now they had to delay somemore... geez, Im going nuts! Im sitting here... and it feels like i cant take it anymore... drowsiness kicks in and im down... well, soon... hoping that ill get up on time to get into the world so that I could be the first to set foot into the online world of SpaceCowboy.

Only time can tell of what is to happen... I sure hope I'll be one of the first one in. Gear up and fly off... soaring the skies like id hope it'll be. Yes... only time can tell...


Thursday, May 18, 2006

Caged Dream

Just woke up from a, well... I wouldnt say nightmare cause it wasnt that scary... I would say its more like... a phoebia that has leaked into my dream. Its a phoebia I had when I was a kid, yes, "had". That phoebia was called "getting-lost". I had quite a number of experiences of getting lost when i was a child. Not just in Singapore, but in other countries as well while on holidays. Not just once or twice but a few times in seperate countries/locations. To tell you the truth, it still has some lingering effect on me. Most proberbly that may be the reason why till now, I dont like to travel alone by myself, be it going to the movies or even to the arcades or what have you. I just dun like to do things by myself. Perhaps I dun like to b lonely? Or perhaps a part of me thinks that something really bad is gonna happen to me and could ended up lost or "off-the-right-track"? Of course at my present state, getting lost isnt much of a big deal, its just troublesome... in the worse case sceniaro, all I have to do is to flag my hand... or... follow the MRT tracks... right? lmao.

And the dream I had? Its more like... a maze... a subtle maze that sort of brought me back to the start, and literally, it did. Its also a "caged Dream" I call it, because honestly I tried to wake up, but I couldnt... honestly, I couldnt. I couldnt even hear or feel whats happening to me IRL all I could see and feel were the moments in that dream I had.

The first place/scene started off at the church i used to attend: its in Bedok, a short bicycle ride could get me home. However in this dream, I could not remember how it first started or what we did before my journey home. However, we were playing with left over sparkles (I somehow felt part of the images I saw was like in my primary school). Apparently, somebody planted them on the ground, vertically of course. I DO NOT think that it is incense because it definately sparkle when I lit it up. Call it random, I have no control over my dream. Anyway, it started to rain, and I quickly threw the unfinished sparkle and got on my new bike... oh wait... yea, I recalled... My dad bought my brother and I a new bike for us. I dunno why but it just happen so stfu... -.-"

Anyway my brother wasnt my brother... it was my friend's little brother... dont ask me why or wtf?... just listen. -.-" ANYWAY! I knew at that point in time, he was my brother, cause HE CALLED ME KOR! And it wasnt the god-brother kind of kor... it was... the real deal man...

So yea, I had another friend with us who is also going home. And I believe that was my childhood friend L.K. He was always the guy leading the way (yea, he has a strong sense of direction... very strong in fact..). So, my brother and I followed him. I was weird, now Im having to guide my little brother and still I was still following someone else... so unconsciously, I was thinking to myself, hey... I DO know how to get back home (like ive stated earlier, quite a short bicycle ride). However, L.K led us into a different route. At first I thought it was a shortcut, cause he knows it best. And so, we journeyed on. Tough ride i must say, fucking complicated. We passed by hills, slopes, vehicles that could have easily knocked us down, across "bridges" that were made of pipes and just a simple wooden board over it, a special hill that has different colourful flowers decorated over it (it was the colour blue that I had visually took note of as the right path to follow). Also passed by a shopping district, where clothes, accessories and I swore I even saw a whore house... not the type where the ladies would stand outside and ask you guys to come in, its more like... you go in, and choose the woman there which were sitting down like as tho its a restauraunt. Rectangle tables... is what I recall too.

So after all that shit We'd been through, I saw my house... weirdly enough, my brother was gone, like... vanished. And L.K said goodbye to me and head home, just the way we always do IRL. And so was I, alone. Heading up to my block. Took the lift to the 10th floor and made a right turn. and guess what? I saw the door positioned NOT the way it was suppose to be, head down one floor and worse... there isnt a door, was simply a dead end. I frantically took the lift down... and guess what? It started at level 40+ and while I was in the lift... I was like... so damn confused I could not even describe clearly what I felt. I noticed around me in the lift that it was dirtier, marks that I havnt see b4 were now there. And then, the lift stopped as it reaches level 1. I got off the lift... and looked around in the area to see the surrounding blocks. And guess what? All the numbers were different and even the looks of the building WERE NOT the same. But how could that be?

Suddenly, I realised, I was at a part in the middle of the journey I had with L.K and my brother. This time, i was alone (weirdly enough, I had my bike with me). I climbed up a slope, cars came rushing down suddenly, unevenly, all nearly knocked me over. Was so tough to push up my bike... and numberously staggered back cause I was so drained. Then this guy in a motorbike came, took my hands/arm and acted like a rope that slowly brought me up the slope. I thanked him and continued on. I ended up at the shopping district, peeking into the whore house (thats how I knew what was inside) journey around, pple noticed that I was kinda lost but offered no help. Then I saw a lady, slightly arnd my mother's age, I spoke to hear because clearly I had forgotten which move to make and asked her for directions. The place I was had like a 2 way split, like a "T". I had to pick which way to go, either left or right. On the left, I saw a beautiful yet something i felt like it was evil or something. The path is like... going into a BIG tube made of bushes, the background was like... dark yellow in colour. On the right, it was a bit dark, however the street lights made it possible to see clearly. I knew at first, that was sorta right feel I had to take that path and continue on the journey, but I had to be sure.

Indeed, the lady pointed me to the direction which was the right path. Continued on and climbed over a hill (the one with different colours of flowers) and followed the colour blue. And then... I saw this image of a part in Tampines that I clearly knew where I was... then... I suddenly woke up...

Weird? I believe like in most of my weird dreams I had and will continue to have, its something that IRL, it influences the dream... be it something you've experience or something you hate, u like, your desires, fears and what have you, clearly... the dream before me is like an open book... I feel that its like... a book called... "My Inner Secrets chapter x". X meaning that its only a fraction of what Im seeing.

Interesting? Yea, I believe so...
After all, its something I could easily identify with because it felt so real...

Thanks for reading...


Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Rakion Day:2

Is it me or are there more and more kids playing rakion? Seriousssssssly some kids cant shut up when things dont go too well for them... even so... they shld look arnd and realise what they have in advantage and put themselves in other player's shoes.

3v1 fair or not? 2 ninjas and a warrior vs an archer (me). @_@ and I totally owned their asses!... long story short. One ninja msged me online during the game and told me I should come out of the small area that im in. Meaning.. "stop being a pussy, and come out and face us on normal grounds!"

Note: the small area that im refering to is slippery (mammoth: an ice cave).

Come on man... i dun wanna call names but that kid is one silly lil jerkoff... =B DEHHHH!~

At least the other 2 are quiet and are focusing on the game at hand.

One thing learnt tho... during a game... dun give in to insults or u've already lost... i think thats why I won... =p instead of takin them all in... OWN THEM FURTHER! make them poop their pants so they could go crying to their mama!... make it clear to them that insults would make them feel even w34ker and n00bish!

And Im not a HACKer! -_-"


Sunday, May 07, 2006

Rakion is BACK!

Well... "im back in Rakion" to be exact... lmao

Day 1 of my return (which is today) kinda disappointing but towards the end... damn glad that i didnt "f4rK-ed up" during a 1:1 battle... disappointing part its pretty obvious when u havnt been playing/practising a game for well, months. Even in days in particular will ur skill drop like popcorn... without the "pop" so, its simply... Corn... ok, thats not funny...

ANYWAY! I did fairly well tho... and also thks to the Dual I had with a jackass, my skill sorta went back up my ass... i mean... my... err... ME! yea, ME!... back to "ME".

So yea... I created a game cauz seriously retarded to keep joining a game and get kicked out either by high ping (laggers) in a room or by the host.

Then this warrior guy came into the game... so I was thinking "bah wth, lets start" so it ended up being a dual match cauz ive got no idea why no one wanna join at that point in time...

So yea... this warrior LOVES a free frag (kill), ok make that a "big, fat, nasty free frag, oh-can-you-let-me-kill-you-when-i-go-chaos-mode-?, bugger". And as a warrior vs an archer like me... its like... WTF!? DO YOUUUUUUUUU really wan exp that much? I mean gee... cant u juz win me by normal means, come on... you had the advantage.. but nooooooooooo... you had to call me names and keep saying "DEAD" when you killed me... *BOOM*! GAME FACE! YOUR DEAD! no free frag, no miss nice archer anymore... _|_ >_< _|_ youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu! (sry, damn emo now).

So fine... bs aint gonna get me anywhere... tried my best, and he was always a few frags higher then me... ok so then he started scolding my mom... (typical kid talk) so I said... "dude, ur a warr, im juz an archer" plz do note that Im a lvl 14 archer and he was a lvl 21 warrior... BIG armr and stat difference mind you... comparing my armr + health to the damage he dealt me is like... sitting on potatoes... no wait... it wont feel right... more like tomatoes with all the juice bursting out...

KNN! so I continued and said "If u really wanna play fair and square, take out ur archer" and he did... =/ so i waited and tada!~ there he was... with a lvl 17-ish archer... I was like... "knn, this kid really wanna prove me wrong" so of course I owned his ass... i wasnt happy tho cauz its pretty unfair to challenge someone OUT of his/her specialty, in this case... his warrior. So I wanted to ask him bring out his warrior again, both of us fight nude (meaning no equipments; note that even so, higher lvlers mean more stats so it still isnt as fair, but its better then the current state).

Then... the kid started to whine saying... my damage not high... my damage not strong...

THEN WHEN I FOUGHT WITH UR WARRIOR EVEN WORSE RIGHT? knn, this kid full of bs. So heck... not gonna be soft hearted at this moment... owned owned owned owned.. then he quit... -.-" and after all that verbal abuse... kao eh... and I juz came back today lor... nb. However, thks to that butthole. I can say that yea... I got my skill back... well, most of it... =/

Cool... I feel much better now... XD lmao

I think imma *asteric* the vulgarities... ok forget it... if not emo again..

Oh... b4 I forgot (not even sure u guys are gonna read the above till the end, over here..) ANYWAY... juz wanna let you guys know Im gathering pple to play Rakion and form up a clan... in the game, skill isnt good enough... You need teammates... a legion... care to join? ;P
