Monday, April 24, 2006

Day: One

woah, back to sch again, so fast time flies huh guys? Sighhh, I hope I'll have some time to chiong animes even during the semester... juz a few days ago, I saw it... the game I've been longing for... however there are mixed feelings abt it now... to buy or not to buy...? But the coin's nice tho... *mumble* *mumble* arghhhhhh dunnoooooooooooo!~

I guess time will tell... and btw spacecowboy never did open... still in close beta crap or something... made me wait for so long, its pissing me off... X(

Heh, this coming sem is gonn abe cool... no more loneliness!~ XD P3 is gonna be a blast! Mark mah words ya prick! err... sry...

If ya have no idea what Im talking about... hmmmmm wellllllll........... too bad! XD
You'll have to observe then! WAHAHAHAHAHA! (and somemore dots between "WAHAHAHAHAHA")

And reviewing from the last post... Chrono Cross is niceeeeeeeeeee...

Well, cya all in sch!~ Later!



Saturday, April 01, 2006

1st April, 2006

Just 2-3 more days till the reopening of Space Cowboy! WOOHOO!~ And lesser then 3 days till I can get my hands on Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion! Double WOOHOO!~

Currently watching sum anime... Ichogo 100% ROX! Too bad the ending wasnt exactly what I had in mind... but then Mud told me that I shld read the manga (and thats wat imma do!) hehehehe... Im sure its gonna be a blast... however I cant do that yet... currently Im dl-ing Chrono Cross... so its gonna be really laggy to view the manga online. So for now... Im watching School Rumble... lol kinda funny... but i still miss Ichigo 100%.. the gals there are Fannnnnnnntassssssssstic! XD w00tn3ss Overwhelming!

huh? I hear something...
