Wednesday, March 29, 2006

-unknown frequency-

Today I had a weird dreammmmm. Woke up at 8am+ then went back to sleep around 10+, during this time (the 10+ dream) I had this weird dream about me and someone...

I know my cousin was in the dream, advicing me about businesses... somewhere in the dream towards the ending, there was a fight, I was with someone else in that scene (obviously Ive forgot most of the details), Im not sure if it was an old friend of mine or another cousin of mine, all I knew was we were escaping from a group of killers... perhaps the mafia... anyway... the setting was kinda unique... sea of water, INDOORS (in a fancy hotel or restaurant; not in the dining area), and platforms that are floating on the water...

We had gotten pretty far from the "mafia", we had our belongings with us... lots of baggage, im not certain why our belongings came in the from of heavy luggage. All I knew is that we could not escape if we were to insist on bringing them with us. But then out of a sudden, there was this person, (not sure who again) that was being pulled out from his/her platform, Im not sure why there was that person appearing out of nowhere but it was certain he/she was very important to me... we (as in with the other person with me) wanted to save him/her and at that instant, escaping was the last thing on our minds, more like... an adrenaline rush or just plain impulsive...

Whatever it is, the guy next to me (was certain he was a male) peddled/swam in with his platform... I too, but was a few distance behind him... when his platform clashed with the mafia's he suddenly got out numbered, but he struggled to fight back...

I sat there, frozen, didnt know what to do... all i did was... froze. He looked back at me... yelling me to help him... I really couldnt even move myself, even though i really wanted to help him. He pulled back and dived back towards me, fleeing from the mafia crowd... they gave chase. I pedaled back... away from him...

He called me a traitor...
I stunned... then... suddenly I dunno why... I felt this... weirdness... like an aura around me... I jumped in on his platform (which was a few distance in front of mine) landed, and killed off all the basterds... Im not sure what weapon i used but Im certain during the attack, I was holding a lightsaber (wtf?) and used powers similar to the force (starwars)... call me weird but its just my dream...

The person in-charge of those mafia wasnt so lucky, i strangled him with the force, lifting him up from the ground, without using my hands...

Suddenly... (the most weirdest part) I heard a familiar song playing... (Naruto the Movie: Home Sweet Home by YUKI) at first i didnt know what song was it but it was so damn familiar... it was a beautiful tune.

The song came in like as though it was at the end of a movie that was playing in my head. Though no credits were displayed (thk gdness; if so i might be seeing only my name -_-") the song kept playing, it was so clear, the lyrics everything...

... then a snapped out of the dream... lol

I was like... huh? wah? wtf? whats that song? Then i got up from my bed, sat there and wondered where that song came from... and then... suddenly I remembered... lol

Im listening it now as Im typing... as weird as it seemed, but... the experience was...

... soothing...

-unknown frequency- Ending transmission,


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