Saturday, January 21, 2006

Breaks down... crumbling, never to be restored again

Well yea, its late at night... or, morning... very early in the morning. Really had a bad day err, ytd. Only later during the day things started to get better... tsk. Shit happens... and yea... sometimes one after another. Pile of shit i must say. heh... =/

I'll just sweep away the pieces... and hopefully, the games i play will continue to occupy my thoughts, rather then "roaming around in this empty room".

Just 2 abbrevations...


ps- If ya noe where I could get a copy of "Memoirs of a Geisha", please inform me... thks. (the book... the book...)


Monday, January 09, 2006

Procrestination, no satisfaction...

heh... sry for not posting for some time... been rather bz lately, wasnt feeling well those pass few days as well. Anyway... remembered in the last post I said that I was gonna do my line animation sketches? lol, till now... i only did one "page". A page that only took me less then a min to do... which I did like in... week 5-6.

Geez... now I'm starting to feel the pinch all over again... Last week (week 9), wasnt my best week obviously; fell ill, lotsa shit to do... etc etc. This week is just a duplicate but with a different subject. -.-"

So yea... Chionging this week... hopefully i wont get owned. Talking about owned... Tommy Qwek emailed me and told me that the system showed that I did not do subject selection and that the final warning had already passed, meaning... I am screwed. Thing is... i DID subject selection on the very day it was opened. I even saved the confirmation message after I did the ss. So please tell me this is all a glitch or he had emailed the wrong person. Cauz if not... the system really is FUBAR...

Another thing that is FUBAR is the o2jam server.. geez! My account got stucked... I cant connect to the game/channel. Suck BALLS!

sighh... today's a monday. Dun feel like going to class. Gotta do sketches and "try" to come up with a script for scriptwriting today. Will go back to sch later to do line animation and also to attend my WI (world issues) class at 6-7. MEHHHHHHH!~

Gotta chiong man... gotta chiong... MON, TUES... DOWN!
Coffee... oh yea~~~~

I hope I dun procrestinate again... =/,

Monday, January 02, 2006

2nd day...


I wonder what awaits me this year...

Another change perhaps...? I don't know... just hoping that things change for the better... =)

Hmm, tmr is the beginning of the 2nd term... =p hope I'm prepared to go to sch tmr... got a feeling somehow that something is not right... oh well... bring it on! XD least I'm still alive and kickin' hehehe! XD

Hmm, waiting for the others to play o2jam with... Imma use some time in sketching in some stuff for my line animation assignment... zzz dunno when would I be able to draw a "chio bu"... hahaha...

All and all... things are... pretty much... ok... i guess...

Woke up... watched a movie (in chinese; even the subtitles -.-") surprisingly I fully understood the whole movie. Thanks to Justin for the movie *respect*. After that, listened to some songs and was reflecting about what I had just watched in the movie...

The movie is simply great... haha... dunno why it made me feel better although the story itself is a sad story (dun wanna spoil it for you guys... go find justin if ya wanna watch lol).

Hmm... I guess that's it... haha

Have a nice day,